MS Hope Foundation

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ECTRIMS 2016: What You Should Know

Updated on: September 20th, 2016 by Kristin Zimmermann
Posted on: September 15th, 2016 by MS HOPE Staff
Category: ECTRIMS, MS News, MS Resources

The 32nd annual congress of ECTRIMS began yesterday, September 14th, 2016, in London, England and will run through September 17th. We’re following the best ECTRIMS 2016 coverage and…

Patient Support Programs for People with MS

Posted on: June 14th, 2016 by Stephanie Buxhoeveden
Category: About MS, Managing MS, MS Resources, MS Treatments

If you receive care at an MS Center, chances are you have already gotten to know the nurses. What some people don’t realize is that you also have a team of MS nurses through the pharmaceutical company that manufactures your disease modifying treatment (DMT).

The Blood-Brain Barrier and MS

Updated on: April 11th, 2016 by admin
Posted on: January 27th, 2016 by Stephanie Buxhoeveden
Category: About MS, MS Glossary, MS Resources

The brain has a personal security system that’s designed to keep intruders out. But what happens when it malfunctions? Does it hold the answer to MS?

Hesitant to Donate? Meet the Person You’ll Help

Posted on: January 13th, 2016 by MS HOPE Staff
Category: About MS HOPE Foundation, Managing MS, MS Activism, MS Awareness

When you donate to a charity, do you wonder where your money goes? Sure, you can go to events at restaurants that do fundraisers, as well as galas, dances, etc., and give your money never to hear of it again. There’s no follow-up, aside from a grand total announcement that may or may not be […]

Where Does My Donation Go?

Posted on: October 18th, 2015 by MS HOPE Staff
Category: About MS HOPE Foundation

MS HOPE Foundation provides financial assistance for MS-related expenses to make sure that everyone with MS has access to the care and resources they need. A hundred percent of every donation we receive goes directly to the cause. Those monies pay for…

What Does MS HOPE Foundation Pay For?

Posted on: October 18th, 2015 by MS HOPE Staff
Category: About MS HOPE Foundation

As you may already know, multiple sclerosis is very expensive to treat and manage. We’re trying to fill the gap between what insurance companies and larger organizations can cover and what patients can afford to pay. We want to help people with what they need right now so they…

How Do I Apply for Financial Assistance?

Posted on: October 17th, 2015 by MS HOPE Staff
Category: About MS HOPE Foundation

MS HOPE Foundation provides financial assistance for MS-related expenses. In order to apply for assistance you must complete our application form and submit all of the required paperwork…

Important Mental Health Care Petition

Posted on: October 2nd, 2015 by Kristin Zimmermann
Category: Uncategorized

Mental health care is crucial for so many people, especially those with MS. Sign this petition and help make sure New York State votes against cutting out-of-network benefits, which help many people pay for their mental health care.

Health Care Information You Need to Know

Posted on: October 1st, 2015 by Kristin Zimmermann
Category: Managing MS, MS Resources

There are a lot of resources for patients that many of us are (probably) unaware of… and health insurance companies are not going to tell you about them.

MS Resources: Participating in Clinical Trials

Posted on: January 15th, 2015 by Stephanie Buxhoeveden
Category: About MS, Clinical Trials, Managing MS, MS News, MS Resources, MS Treatments

Research participants are just as important as the scientists conducting clinical trials. Even if you don’t want to participate in drug trials, there is still a lot you can do to help that puts you at little to no risk.