MS Hope Foundation

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Two Years with MS and Still Going Strong

Posted on: April 15th, 2014 by Erica Daher
Category: About MS, Inspiration & Motivation, Managing MS, MS Silver Linings, Stories of Hope

supergirlI’m writing this entry while sitting in bed with an exasperating head cold that just won’t let go — aches, chills, fever, and general malaise have been the theme of the past week. What’s more, MS, not to be outdone, has reared its ugly head making it difficult for me to walk or get up and down the stairs. I’m reminded of how lucky I am that I feel good most days, but part of me wants to scream, “MS, you motherf*@^&#, go back into hiding! You’re close to ruining a perfectly good vacation with my family. Legs, go back to Soul-Cycle mode — my waistline needs it!” Can you tell I’m frustrated?

It’s been two years to the day since I sat in my neuro’s office and heard those three life-changing words: You have MS. Try as I might, I can’t forget what I was wearing, the weather outside, and my husband’s face when he heard that his wife may eventually become disabled. All the thoughts that ran through my head that day rush back: “My kids. My kids! What if I get sick and I can’t take care of them? What if I go blind and can’t see my beautiful baby girl with her blonde ringlets?” Since then I’ve learned to say f*#$ that. I’m going to live my life because there are no promises, with MS or anything else.

What I want to say today is that while I’m lucky to have mainly good days, I’m doing even better now that this foundation is up and running. My mantra is, if I’m able to help a few people in this lifetime who need it, I’ll be very happy. With applicants applying for aid and people donating, we’re making great strides towards my ultimate goal: Being a foundation that supports the MS community. We’ve had the ability to donate $155,000 to various MS research projects. We’ve been able to help several applicants. We’ve also received the most generous donations. I’m floored by all we’ve accomplished so far, and I hope we can continue to do more by keeping our formula simple: No bells and whistles, just 100 percent dedication to the MS community and specifically those who need a little extra support.

Keep on keeping on,


If you or someone you know needs financial assistance for MS-related expenses, please contact us: or 424.646.3867. 

To learn more about MS and keep up with the latest news in MS research, follow MS HOPE Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.



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