MS Hope Foundation

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MS Silver Linings: Learning Compassion

Posted on: September 25th, 2013 by Erica Daher
Category: Inspiration & Motivation, Managing MS, MS Silver Linings, Stories of Hope

Having MS, not to be cliché, I try to keep things positive. I try to laugh more than I cry. Like when recently, over the course of one week, I saw a pulmonologist, gynecologist, naturopath, and radiologist, and checked into the…

How MS Has Changed My Daily Life

Posted on: September 20th, 2013 by Erica Daher
Category: Managing MS

After spending most of yesterday in agonizing pain from annoying MS symptoms, I am sitting at my kitchen counter debating whether or not I should go to dinner this evening with my husband and friends. I keep telling myself…

Telling People You Have MS

Posted on: September 12th, 2013 by Erica Daher
Category: Managing MS

While I wasn’t fully prepared for the diagnosis, I could handle it. However, I was not prepared to tell my mom who was waiting at home…

An Ode To My Neurologist

Posted on: September 4th, 2013 by admin
Category: Managing MS, Stories of Hope

Pursuing my own “cure” for self-diagnosed MS left me disabled. Finally giving in and transitioning from self-treatment to having a neurologist, vitamin prescriptions, and diet therapy wasn’t easy, but it…

New (School) Year’s Resolutions

Posted on: September 3rd, 2013 by Erica Daher
Category: Inspiration & Motivation, Managing MS

Now that the last few days of summer vacation are upon me, I suddenly have an overwhelming feeling that I need to make a fresh start. Both of my children will be going to school and I will…